The concept in the absolute simplest terms was to provide a space and opportunity for non-professional artists to create and showcase their work. Above everything else, it evoked great joy and fulfillment in my heart. It is through personal projects like No Song Unsung and many others I’ve created over the years that affirm my passion in producing experiences for communities to connect in meaningful ways and bring people closer together. This event was about empowering first time artists to share their work. People want to feel believed in, and providing the platform for people to do so is all you need for people to start feeling empowered. This can be applied to all humans.
150+ tickets sold
26 local artists shared their work
2 live music acts
1 dance performance
1 black mystery interactive immersive absurd surreal box
6 five star reviews on Airbnb Experiences
95% “likely to return to another event in the future” rating from the Event Feedback Survey
See the full Facebook event, artist list, and recap here.