The Journey Journal

🌸 Happy HollyDays: 001 - Life Update & What to do when sh*t hits the fan~
Welcome to the very first edition of Happy HollyDays, the email newsletter that I've been talking about creating for years now. And here we are, in divine timing - in the perfect imperfection of all that is.
The biggest lesson I’m taking from this experience is that even when things gets tough, if I can view the happening as a gift or a work of art rather than a judgment of “I should have done this or that isn’t right” - there is more peace, joy and happiness available to be experienced.
So the little nugget for you to receive is an invitation for the next time that it feels something less than ideal is happening, remember that it’s actually happening *for* you (and not to you, very subtle change in wording, and makes a big difference). How can I create art from this situation? How can I find the humor in the bigger picture?
Without bypassing the emotions that come with hard experiences but fully feeling the entirety of whatever is alive in the moment, and then coming to a place of radical acceptance for all that is. it takes a level of trust and surrender to truly be in a state of acceptance, not trying to change anything and allowing all that is to unfold in its inevitability.

How Being Your Most Expressed Self Will Put You in Alignment with What You Truly Want
It all comes down to COMMUNICATION. The source of clarity, power, manifestation, happiness. The more you are expressed in your truth, the more aligned you are, the more you attract & magnetize what you deeply want. You have the power to make it happen, so let's do it!
I’ve created "Embodied Expression"-my 12 week program where we explore what it means to be your fullest expressed self, in all of the ways. We will go on a journey that is experiential, playful, and transformational together -
Feeling the range of your emotions and expressing them in a healthy and impactful way
Understanding what your boundaries, desires, needs are and voicing them from a place of authenticity and inner authority
Sharing your artistry, dance, poetry, and creativity with radical acceptance and unconditional love
Manifesting your dreams that are fully aligned with your truth

A Deep Student of Life
At the start of 2021, I committed to giving myself the gift of being a “Deep Student of Life” for 6 months. I chose to pause my conditioned Doing and give myself the time and energy to explore the things that I was turned on about, had a curiosity about, or simply tickled my fancy.

An Act of Liberation
A white man shot 8 people, 6 of which were Asian women, in my home country the United States of America - "the land of the free" they call it, where "all men are created equal."
Police officers and the media - the people who are supposed to be protecting us and feeding us information & knowledge - have not named it a hate crime.
I have been feeling a spectrum of emotions. Waves of numbness, confusion, rage, grief, sorrow, despair move through me. I am breathing through it, dancing it out in prayer, and channeling words with pen to paper.
I come to you, pouring out of me this transmission in sharing my voice, as an act of L I B E R A T I O N.
Here it is.

A Love Letter to New York City
Dear New York City,
I write this love letter to you 30,000 miles in the air on the way to my next destination. I call this special place the “inbetween” - a place for reflection, dreams, and rest.

How I Transformed My Most Challenging Year Into A Beautiful Dream Come True
My intention for this piece of writing is to share my story as an Asian American woman growing up in a middle class immigrant family in California with what one would call a normal upbringing and expectations of what the “American Dream” for my life should look like… and how I got it all, and then in less than a year — I lost it all.
This is my story of how I turned my ever evolving dreams into the new foundation of my own reality.
In writing this piece and sharing it publicly, I ended up challenging myself to be vulnerable and truthful about some of the deepest parts of me. And a part of me had some hesitation in being so raw, but I remind myself that it isn’t about me, it is about the larger collective. I share this in earnest and hope that someone may resonate and learn something from it. So in service and gratitude, I share my journey.